dah siap...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Task 2: Make A Traditional Animation1. Select the Background Color in Properties. Choose Yellow in colour.
2. Then, start to draw a teddy bear by using Oval Tool or Pencil Tool.
3. Select at Frame Number 2 and insert keyframe.
4. Keyframe at Frame Number 2, drag the line (at teddy bear mouth) until it become curve (make teddy bear looks smile). You can add more line to make it nicely.
5. Click at first keyframe and press Enter. To test the movie, Ctrl + Enter. OR to publish the your work, go to File Menu and choose Publish Settings... or Ctrl + Shift + F12. Tick at the checkbox what you wished to had. Lastly, click the button Publish to publich your work.
hi everyone... nice to meet you.. it is difficult for me to use this flash CS3 because I never use it for this ... I was just trying to succeed ... I aspire to pursue a master's degree in educational technology at UTM Skudai .. finally done and I hope to be running with smooth.. I was a little late to the session registration. in the third week before I attended the classes this semester are listed on ... I have a lot to learn for themselves, based on handout from Dr. zaidatun binti tasir .. although a bit slow but successful all
Task 1: Using Motion Guides (The Ant Nest Tutorial)1. Select the Background Color in Properties. Choose brown colour.
2. Name the layer with "Background". To rename it, double click at Layer and type the name of layer that you wished.
3. Draw rectangle at the whole stage area by using icon Rectangle Tool .
4. Next, click icon Eraser Tool and choose size of eraser in icon Eraser Shape. Mommy suggested, better choose the largest size of eraser. Then, rub the rectangle to make tunnel.
5. After that, insert new layer and named it as "Ant".
6. Draw an Ant on the stage area by using icon Oval Tool. Make 3 ovals and arrange it nicely. As long as it looks like an Ant. To make the antenna, eyes, mouth and legs, use icon Pencil Tool to draw it.
7. Move the Ant at the tunnel. To make the ant looks like inside the tunnel, adjusted the size of ant by using icon Free Transform Tool. Dont' forget to press Shift together while adjusted the size.
8. Then, converted it into symbol. Remember how to convert into symbol? Refer here if you already forgotten. Name the symbol as "Ant", select radiobutton Graphic and choose the centre square in the Registration option.
9. After that, Add Motion Guide where is near to icon Insert Layer.
10. Using Pencil tool, draw the line as a path inside the tunnel. The ant will follow the path that you draw.
Task 1 already finished! yo hooo...
3. Draw rectangle at the whole stage area by using icon Rectangle Tool .
Task 1 already finished! yo hooo...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Salam Maulidurrasul 1432H
Kelebihan Nabi Muhammad.
Dari Jabir katanya : Berkata Rasulullah yang ertinya :
Aku telah diberikan 5 perkara yang tidak seorag pun daripada para nabi sebelum ku diberikan :
1. Aku ditolong dengan daya menakutkan musuh sejauh perjalanan sebulan.
2. Diuntukkan bagiku bumi ini ,dimana-mana sahaja boleh dijadikan tempat bersujud dan keadaannya suci .Maka sebarang umatku yang telah dating kepadanya waktu sembahyang,hendaklan tambpil sembahyang.
3. Dihalalkan harta rampasan perang bagikubdan tidak halal bagi seorang pun sebelum ku.
4. Aku diberi kuasa untuk beri syafaat.
5. Setiap nabi dibangkitkan untuk menyeru kaumnya sahaja,tapi aku dibangkitkan untuk menyeru seluruh manusia.
Dari Jabir katanya : Berkata Rasulullah yang ertinya :
Aku telah diberikan 5 perkara yang tidak seorag pun daripada para nabi sebelum ku diberikan :
1. Aku ditolong dengan daya menakutkan musuh sejauh perjalanan sebulan.
2. Diuntukkan bagiku bumi ini ,dimana-mana sahaja boleh dijadikan tempat bersujud dan keadaannya suci .Maka sebarang umatku yang telah dating kepadanya waktu sembahyang,hendaklan tambpil sembahyang.
3. Dihalalkan harta rampasan perang bagikubdan tidak halal bagi seorang pun sebelum ku.
4. Aku diberi kuasa untuk beri syafaat.
5. Setiap nabi dibangkitkan untuk menyeru kaumnya sahaja,tapi aku dibangkitkan untuk menyeru seluruh manusia.
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